Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Surat Henry Untuk ELF

Surat ini udah lama bgt di tulis sama Henry oppa waktu dia dapet banyak penolakan dari ELF,  dengan nama "GERAKAN 13" buat yg udah lama jadi ELF pasti tau soal ini. buat yg belom tau, bisa liat posting sebelumnya klik sekarang kalo inget soal itu jadi pengen bgt teriak "MIANHAE" ke Henry oppa :(((

Dear all, I really don’t understand.
Aren’t people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? We speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same customs and yet we are not welcome in our own country to perform. All we want to do is to express ourselves through performing and music but how can we do this when there is so much hate?
Don’t you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country?
I left my friends, family, and everything else back in Canada to to pursue a dream all alone in Asia. As a result I have been hated ever since I first debuted in Korea in 2006 from fans.
What more do you want from me?
How do you think I or we both feel every time we go op on stage knowing people will be screaming for us to get off? I’ve tried to laugh it off for far too long now and can’t hold it in anymore.
Just to let you know… we have feelings too.
I will continue to work my hardest to bring the best performances for you all but today I’d just like to let you know a little about how I feel in the inside.
I’m almost out of breath.
qinxian men…
mitang men…
xiexie nimen…
Thank you so much
I hope you all understand how I’m feeling
- Henry

Mulai detik ini dan seterusnya ELF gak akan berbuat seperti itu lagi oppa, ELF akan selalu mencintai mu. Karna kau adl keluarga kami, kau yang berada dibelakang Super Junior dan ikut menguatkan Super Junior dan ELF. tetaplah bersama keluarga kami (SJ+ELF) dan biarkan ELF tetap mencintai dan menjaga mu..
Mianhae untuk perbuatan ELF yg memalukan dulu kepada mu oppa, mian..mianhae :( :( :(

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